Prevention and Treatment of Complications in Proctological Surgery

pescatoriBy Mario Pescatori

The volume is authored by a colorectal surgeon with long-standing clinical and scientific experience and is devoted to the management of complications following surgery of the anorectum and the pelvic floor. It is aimed not only at general surgeons, perineologists and, of course, proctologists, but also at gastroenterologists, endoscopists, radiologists and physiotherapists, i.e. those who may be involved in both diagnosis and cure whenever an adverse event, either unpredictable or potentially preventable, causes an intra- or postoperative, early or late, mild or life-threatening complication. Severe bleeding, dehiscence, perforation, anorectal stricture, fecal incontinence, and even caval vein thrombosis, fatal Fournier gangrene and pneumomediastinum may occur after anal surgery. The incidence, pathogenesis prevention and treatment of such events are discussed in detail in 10 chapters with 30 tables, 200 illustrations and more than 1000 references. Both conventional procedures and recent innovations are reported. “Unforgettable clinical cases (complications with litigation)” and “Tips and Tricks” are sections increasing the appeal of this book. The approach is “evidence-based” and holistic, focusing on anorectal problems while taking into consideration whole body-mental unity—showing, for example, that a non-healing perineal wound may be due to hypo-pituitarism, and failure after a re-intervention may be related to psychological distress.


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Mario Pescatori's publishing

PescatoriThe volume is authored by a colorectal surgeon with long-standing clinical and scientific experience and is devoted to the management of complications following surgery of the anorectum and the pelvic floor. It is aimed not only at general surgeons, perineologists and...


M.S.C.P. 2018: a story of 20 years

The Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology (MSCP or So.Me.Co.P) was founded in Rome,March 1998, by the following members:

Pescatori Mario, Rabau Micha, Basso Luigi,  Boffi Ferruccio, Pizzetti Daniela, Passaro Umberto, Caporossi Massimo, Shafik Admed, Farid Mohamed, Azanjac Branislav, Kosorok Pavle, Roig Vila Josè Vicente, Lledo Matoses...


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