Previous congress

2024 Joint Meeting MSCP-SICCR

2024Dear friends of the Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology, we are pleased and honoured to welcome you in Giulianova for this event.
Colorectal diseases are prominent issues in the epidemiology of western countries, both in the area of mali gnant diseases and also as far asbenign/functional disturbances. This is the main reason to have a focus between experts to discuss recent advances in diagnosis and treatment of colo-recto-anal diseases.
Nonetheless, continuing education in this complex issue is another task; a recent “real time” Italian surveyevidenced that after a correct diagnosis of anal issure only 14% of the patients obtain the appropriate treatment.
Distinguished and qualified colorectal surgeons, like those eminentspeakers of this meeting will guide the audience in this journey through the most recent innovations in surgical coloproctology.
Prof. Renato Pietroletti


Download complete program in PDF format.


Minutes of the General Assembly of MSCP

Giulianova 04.10.2024




1. Welcome and presences:

Mentionned in this PV

Excused : M. Pramateftakis (absent)


ExCo renewal: President

Gervasio Salgado



Biagio Ravo



Manos Pramateftakis


General secretary

Xavier Delgadillo


Attached secretary

Amer Odobasic



Fabrizio Cimino


Web site chairman

Ferruccio Boffi


Biennial Meeting

Chairmen: Ait Laalim Said



Malik Takkal



 Election has been held by unanimous decision


3. Next meeting venue

Tangier - Morocco

Royal Tulip Grand Hotel & Casino


  • 12.06.2025 pm Practical Educational Sessions. In charge by B. Ravo* (Int. Coll. Surg / section Africa).
  •  13.06.2025 am/pm Meeting joint with : SOMACHIR MSPFD ISUCRS
  •  14.06.2025 am/pm Invite onco-surgeons/gastroenterol. Practical Educational Sessions In charge by B. Ravo*



Bank Account renewal with signatureof new president (Salgado) and treasurer (Cimino)


The President and vice-president are in charge to renew TiC activity of MSCP (a letter will be written on this sense).


Another Involving new young members and trainees are welcomed (x2).


Various: Bank contact by Treasurer Dr Cimino. Website: announce save the date : F. Boffi



M.S.C.P. Congress 2018



May 4th - 5th, 2018

Interbalkan Mediacal Centre

Thessaloniki, Greece


manosDear Colleagues,
It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 11th Biennial Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology, which is being organized in collaboration with the Greek-German Society of Surgery.
The role of the MSCP over the last years has been to create a network of specialists across the Mediterranean basin in order to share knowledge and promote excellence in all aspects of lower gastrointestinal surgery. Despite last decade’s focus on malignant disease and oncology, the field of benign coloproctology has seen a steady increase and a new array of treatment options have emerged. Our society comprises experts in various fields of benign and malignant disease from all Mediterranean countries.
We created a very stimulating scientific program ranging from the latest in proctology and functional disorders of the anorectum to state-of-the-art laparoscopic and robotic approaches to colorectal cancer. We will provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussion as well as the sharing of ideas on recent developments in the field. Our aim is to promote debates between junior surgeons and international experts, as well as discussions between various medical and nursing specialties.
The congress venue, the Interbalkan Medical Centre, is a state-of-the-art hospital in Thessaloniki, capable of treating the whole spectrum of diseases with the most modern equipment, including laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
The aim of this congress is to educate and promote specialist knowledge in order to improve the outcome of affected patients. We hope that we will provide a rewarding and fulfilling experience for all delegates.

M. Pramateftakis
Congress President


 Download Preliminary Program

Previous M.S.C.P. congresses

1999 Milan (Italy)

2000 Nazareth (Israel)

2001 Antalya (Turkey)

2002 Otocec (Slovenia)

2003 Athens (Greece)

2004 Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt)

2005 Crete (Greece)

2006 Cairo (Egypt)

2008 Rome (Italy)

2009 Cairo (Egypt)

2010 Thessaloniki (Greece)

2012 Madrid (Spain)

2014 Chioggia (Italy)

2016 Genoa (Italy)

2018 Thessaloniki (Greece)