Report from XI Biennial Congress of M.S.C.P.

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The 11th Biennial Congress of the MSCP found place in Thessaloniki (Greece)  from 4 to 5 May 2018.


     The very comfortable location of the Interbalkan Medical Centre in Thessaloniki (Greece) hosted the 11th Biennial Congress of the Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology, which is being organized in cooperation with the Greek-German Society of Surgery.

Manos Pramateftakis, Congress President, was able to meet together an impressive faculty of experts coming from thirteen countries of three continents.

A very stimulating scientific program ranged from the innovations in proctology and functional disorders of the pelvic floor to the state-of-art on laparoscopic and robotic approaches to colorectal cancer. A full two-days immersion inside the last developments in our fields, sharing opinions and ideas among the international speakers and the audience.    

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the MSCP having been founded exactly 20 years ago in March 1998 in Rome. In these two decades it promoted and encouraged a professional network among the coloproctologists, symbolizing a long bridge of scientific cooperation and interdisciplinary exchange of knowledges across the Mediterranean countries.

The friendly atmosphere we experienced in Thessaloniki along the whole meeting as well as the frank and in-depth debates and discussions during the scientific sessions proved ourselves that the original MSCP spirit is still intact.

Furthermore, we had the election of the Governing Council for the next biennium (2018-2020): at the end the outcoming President Antonio Amato handed over to the new President Manos Pramateftakis. He will be supported by Gervasio Salgado (Vice-president), Xavier Delgadillo (General Secretary) an Fabrizio Cimino (Treasurer).

Our best wishes for their work and farewell to Naples for the XII Biennial Congress in 2020!

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The Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology (MSCP or So.Me.Co.P) was founded in Rome,March 1998, by the following members:

Pescatori Mario, Rabau Micha, Basso Luigi,  Boffi Ferruccio, Pizzetti Daniela, Passaro Umberto, Caporossi Massimo, Shafik Admed, Farid Mohamed, Azanjac Branislav, Kosorok Pavle, Roig Vila Josè Vicente, Lledo Matoses...


A completely renovated website

Dear all, welcome to the renewed website of the Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology!

The new site is open to collaboration with all of you. Help us make it more alive and interesting by sending us your comments, your advice, and even your scientific articles and pictures, which will be shuffled into a special section!